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Global Pentecostalism

The widespread usage of globalization in the public suggests it has become more than a theoretical idea. Numerous scholars have debated its definition, history, social characteristics, culture, and consequences for the world. What is often missing from many analyses is a thorough understanding of religion in global society. For some, religion is simply a survival of a traditional social world that will eventually disappear due to secularization. This is evidenced by religious violence, intolerance, protest, and the general refusal of religions to accept a new global order. There is evidence to suggest that religions are anti-global. Some cases also illustrate that religions are globalizers. Through migration and missionary work religions expand throughout the world.  Religion can be transformative.

Globalization requires a new optic to think about religion and its role in global society. Pentecostalism is not the only window into the world of social change. However, it is a particular type of religion that can be found everywhere. Pentecostalism's universal quality is particularized revealing its global and local character. Pentecostalism is also highly controversial. In some places of the world it is at war with Islam. In some regions of the world it is practiced in a holistic way meeting the needs of local communities. There is no single version of Pentecostalism and yet there is a family resemblance.

Global Pentecostalism problematizes traditional theories and methods for the study of religion. It requires scholars to rethink what they know about religion, human agency, and society. This site will explore theoretical and methodological issues as they relate to religion generally and Pentecostalism particularly. Debate and discussion about the nature of globalization and religion is intended to make a contribution toward understanding the changing character of religion in global society.


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