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Showing posts from October, 2014

Pentecostalism, Religious Experience,and the Body / Le pentecôtisme, l’expérience religieuse et le corps

Call for Papers: International Society for the Sociology of Religion The 33rd ISSR Conference: Sensing Religion .  Louvain-la-Neuve July 2-5, 2015 Thematic Session Pentecostalism, Religious Experience, and the Body / Le pentecôtisme, l’expérience religieuse et le corps Michael Wilkinson, Trinity Western University (Canada) Peter F. Althouse, Southeastern University (USA) The intersection of religion, sexuality, gender, disability, health and illness, pain, death and dying, emotions, and embodiment is especially insightful for researching Pentecostal and Charismatic notions of the body. Pentecostalism is well known for overt bodily expressions of religious experience that includes kinesthetic worship such as speaking in tongues, dancing, twirling, and falling down. Among Pentecostals and Charismatics there is considerable debate about bodies, the relationship between bodies and the Holy Spirit, possession of evil spiri...